
Brad Warnock Before I decided to go it on my own, I called a few past colleagues for their input. One of these people was Brad Warnock. Several years prior I had worked as a consultant for Brad; we both hailed from the Megahertz glory days. Brad was, and still is, at the ready to […]


Grow or Die

Stories of Excellence: “Grow or die.”

by Heather Hughes on April 11, 2013

Spencer Kirk The meat of my business education came as SVP of Marketing at Extra Space Management. You’d think this education would have come before such a laudable title, but it didn’t. The people who hired me at Extra Space hired me to do things I’d never done, or even contemplated doing. Now that’s what […]


David LeCheminant The boss to whom Janet Frasier did not report my poor performance was none other than the guy who took me by the hand at DSW a few years prior, David LeCheminant. Dave oversaw all marketing communications functions at Megahertz. Despite having to deal with sales’ demands, fluctuating budgets, constantly changing product specifications […]


Stories of Excellence: “You did a terrible job and let me down. Thanks for nothing.”

April 4, 2013

Janet Frasier Let’s start out with the fact that I did a terrible job. Janet Frasier, a sales leader at Megahertz, was willing to tell me so. My presentation to Megahertz channel partners was terrible. Low energy, boring, and one-dimensional. It was a last-minute request (not from Janet) and I wasn’t prepared. I was in […]

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