Charitable Giving

Thanks giving

by Heather Hughes on November 22, 2016

I’ve been thinking about the power of giving, and how I want to give thanks for giving. How thankful I am for giving. Yes, it’s a roundabout tongue twister, a veritable tautology. But as I consider the last few years, the best of times were the times that I was giving. That’s all. Not pushing […]


John Simmons CEO White Knight Fluid Handling

Excellence is Fanaticism

by Heather Hughes on April 5, 2012

ME Interview with White Knight President and CEO John Simmons John Simmons defines excellence in one simple word: fanaticism. It fits. He’s a fiery entrepreneur who once told me of his company, “We will never stop until we get it right.” And he means it. When John says “we”, he means a group of highly […]