John Simmons

John Simmons

Stories of Excellence: “Excellence is fanaticism.”

by Heather Hughes on June 6, 2013

John Simmons When I first met cowboy-hat-wearing John Simmons I thought, “Here’s a genuine individual.” Genuine as in unassuming and genuine as in real. Then, when John gave me a tour of White Knight Fluid Handling’s manufacturing facility, his enthusiasm was palpable. What a rush. It’s great to be around entrepreneurs who believe in themselves […]


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Seven Quotes from Business Executives to Whom I am Grateful

by Heather Hughes on November 19, 2012

It’s Thanksgiving week and I’d like to thank a number of executives I’ve worked with over the years. Here are seven edifying quotes from people who made a positive impact on my marketing career. 1. “Great ideas come from everywhere.” When you are a young up-and-comer you might think that only you and your closest […]


Are You Over the Top? Interested, Dedicated, Fascinated

by Heather Hughes on September 14, 2012

Interested, dedicated, fascinated. I got this string of words from Neil Armstrong. Together they describe the team that got man to the moon and back. You could say that team was “over the top”. They worked long and hard hours to get it right, precisely right. Gosh, I just love that. I love people who […]


Excellence is Fanaticism

April 5, 2012
Thumbnail image for Excellence is Fanaticism

ME Interview with White Knight President and CEO John Simmons John Simmons defines excellence in one simple word: fanaticism. It fits. He’s a fiery entrepreneur who once told me of his company, “We will never stop until we get it right.” And he means it. When John says “we”, he means a group of highly […]

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